Holy dunkelweizen! The beer-signal!

When we receive an extra special shipment of beer, will we activate the Beer-Signal. At that time a beer bottle insignia will appear near the store front.That's right, folks. While cruising SOMA on your fixed-gear, keep on the lookout for the signal around 8th and Folsom lest there be a distinguished delivery in the vicinity.
Ladies, and gentleman, the Beer-Signal has been activated.Of course, when that email came in, I quickly replied asking what peculiar parcel they'd parlayed, and was promptly told the surprise would be spoiled if that's how the beer-signal worked. So I begged...
While on his journey, if Odysseus made a pit stop at the City Beer he would be pleased with the offering from Allagash, the beautiful barrel aged Odyssey.And there you go! For the record, City Beer has got their grubby little hands on one of Allagash's finest oak-aged contrivances. I promise not to wreck the surprise next time they illuminate the beer-signal...
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