18 Reasons and at least as many homebrews

But what are we bringing? In the spirit of Choose Your Own Adventure, I'd like that to be a decision best left to others besides the authors. Like chance music for the belly, the whim of teh internets will dictate what'll be crawling up from the cellar Thursday night. I've embedded a little poll below in which you can vote for as few or as many as you'd like on exhibit. Here's a quick reference guide to the options:
Imperial Pilsner - Just seeming to hit its stride now, a 9% lager based off a strict pilsner malt base and with a fresh bit of dry hopping in the keg. Pictured above with its little hoppy friend.
Black Lav - Definitely further up the dark end of the experimental alley. It's a saison. But it's black! There's some history behind this one here.
Oatmeal Raisin Cookie - The most recent of our "tastes like" explorations, this one's finishing up as this is written, and is a but of a wild card in terms of what it'd taste like as young and green as it is. Details on its origin story can be read here.
X'07 - Our annual holiday ale, this Belgian-inspired dark one from the winter of 2007, which Jesse referenced in his post about last weekend's debauchery, amazingly hasn't all been emptied yet. We wrote a little bit about it back in August.
X'08 - Same idea, different beer. This past season's batch.
The Indoctrinator - Before the Inoculator (the last of which disappeared into the sun-warmed gullets of this past Sunday's Golden Gate Park denizens), there was the Indoctrinator. I bottled a couple magnums when we finished this Belgian-style dubbel back in October and have been sitting on them waiting for the right occasion. Is this it?
Old Ale - Nearly guaranteed to be nasty, it's a two (three?) year (m)old stock ale aged on oak that's seen some serious and strange refermentation in the bottle. Will probably explode. I still have some left.
Appelwoi - A cider. This one. Not beer, but not water either!
Go on, now. Vote!
And sure, it's just 48 hours away, but mark your calendars!
Labels: events, homebrewing, local
I voted for Black Lav and Oatmeal.
I'm planning on bringing:
Belgian Wit
Belgian Wit & Wild Blond Blend
Belgian Pale w/ West Coast Hops
and a freshly tapped Mai Bock, which has had a long happy lagering period.
I vote for the Oatmeal Cookie, just because I want to drink it. I'll be having a Jay-esque, but not quite and intense sampling at some point and would hope you'd bring a bottle.
And I had no idea Jesse's Wit was Brett spiked. It was delicious, but I seemed to miss that detail. Must have been the 35 beers I drank that day, and his was the last, well, before we got into the Westies.
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