Monday, August 03, 2009

Fermentation Friday wrap up - CTRL+C

Thanks to all the folks who showed up on Friday to pitch their tales of beer forgery, counterfeit and deceit. Feel free to add plagiarism to your list of vices as you thieve from the collection of recipes this month's roundup has yielded:

M. Randolph at Just Another Booze Blog uses the "we ain't no stinkin' cover band" analogy to explain why cloning beers isn't part of his regular routine, with the exception of emulating via tribute the cask beers of Britain.

John at Brew Dudes digs out two copycat recipes in his repertoire from opposite ends of the color field that he's looking for some feedback on.

Jason at Brewing the perfect beer ponies up two recipes, one garnered the easy way (thanks to the good folks at Brew Your Own and tips from the brewer in question) and one the hard way: trial and error.

Jimmy at HopWild told of his odyssey of mocking up his version of a beer that he's never had, taking matters into his own hands when tiring of waiting for a wildly popular beer to become available in his neck of the woods.

Jake at Northern Table took this month's topic as an opportunity to do something new, and after having up to this point only brewed out of inspired by, but not in mimicry of commercially available beers, is going to bang out a version of one of his favorite and difficult to acquire beers.

Matt at A World of Brews debates the merit of trying to copy what one can readily get commercially, opting instead for a Frankenstein approach of extracting particular aspects of different beers he likes and recombining them in his own creative way. (Of course, he does eventually admit he'd like to do a 120 Minute IPA clone at some point, so I'll just point him in this direction and see what he comes up with.)

Thanks again to all who played along this month. I'm unclear as to who (if anyone!) is hosting for August, so if you're interested, head on over to Beer Bits 2 and drop Adam, our fearless Fermentation Friday founder, a quick note.



Blogger Adam said...

Fearless Fermantation Founder at your service. August is up for grabs.

Rob, thanks for the summaries. Well done.

12:18 PM  

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